What we do

The MARDi clinic provided frontline first aid and emergency care directly in camps and squats, with volunteers from across the globe and working with other NGOs and French healthcare services to meet the vast and varied healthcare needs of this refugee population. We also coordinated with the non-medical aid groups in Paris to provide all-encompassing support for people living in these camps. For example, in the regular and ineffective government-led evacuations.

The Paris MARDi Clinic has now closed and our current focus in on raising awareness of the European Refugee Crisis and running independent support projects for refugees across Europe using our vast volunteer network.

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Our work has two main aims; firstly to bridge the healthcare gap between what refugees get and what they deserve, and secondly, to show refugees that Europe is not just a place of racism and hostility, that it has a strong, compassionate side that welcomes refugees and will fight for them. Drinking Afghan green tea around a campfire or Ethiopian coffee with a family in a makeshift hut is as important as dressing wounds and treating injuries.

We also collect evidence of the human rights abuses occurring daily in the camps and present this in as many circles as possible. For example:

To keep up-to-date with all our work, follow us on insta.

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